"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const ytmusic_1 = require("./ytmusic");
const browsing_1 = require("./mixins/browsing");
const watch_1 = require("./mixins/watch");
const explore_1 = require("./mixins/explore");
const library_1 = require("./mixins/library");
const playlists_1 = require("./mixins/playlists");
const uploads_1 = require("./mixins/uploads");
* Allows automated interactions with YouTube Music by emulating the YouTube web client's requests.
* Permits both authenticated and non-authenticated requests.
* Authentication header data must be provided on initialization.
* @param {_YTMusicConstructorOptions} [options=] Options object.
* @param {string | object} [options.auth=] Provide a string (raw headers), object, or path (Node only!),
* Authentication credentials are needed to manage your library.
* Should be an adjusted version of `headers_auth.json.example` in the project root.
* See `setup` for how to fill in the correct credentials.
* If not provided, a default header is used without authentication.
* @param {string} [options.user=] Specify a user ID string to use in requests.
* This is needed if you want to send requests on behalf of a brand account.
* Otherwise the default account is used. You can retrieve the user ID
* by going to https://myaccount.google.com/brandaccounts and selecting your brand account.
* The user ID will be in the URL: https://myaccount.google.com/b/user_id/
* @param {} [options.httpsAgent] Optional. Define an HTTP proxy for your request.
* @param {AxiosProxyConfig} [options.proxies] Optional. Define an HTTP proxy for your request.
* @param {string} [options.language] Optional. Can be used to change the language of returned data.
* English will be used by default. Available languages can be checked in
* the ytmusicapi/locales directory.
const YTMusic = (0, uploads_1.UploadsMixin)((0, library_1.LibraryMixin)((0, playlists_1.PlaylistsMixin)((0, explore_1.ExploreMixin)((0, watch_1.WatchMixin)((0, browsing_1.BrowsingMixin)(ytmusic_1._YTMusic))))));
exports.default = YTMusic;